fredag 23. januar 2015

Spot check

Page 266:

a) What are the three main genres of literature?

The three genres are fiction, drama and poetry.

b) Are fictional stories always unture?

The word "fictional" is often used as made-up. But the stories can sometimes be partly true, but it wills till belong to the fiction genre.

c) What are the differences in the way fiction and drama relate to stories?

The difference is that in fiction, you tell the story. In drama, you show the story. Even though drama is usually written texts. But it only becomes drama when it's performed.

d) What is meant by "prose"?

Fiction has generally meant prose writing, which means writing that follows the patterns of ordinary speech, without regular rythm or rhyme.

e) What is meant by "free verse"?

"Free verse" is poetry lacking regular metre or rhyme.

f) How does literature differ from a user manual?

A manual is supposed to be as clear as possible. The priority is not to be funny, entertaining or personal. You can not use the same type of writing.

g) How is interpreting literature different from interpreting real life?

In real life, interpretation happens through the lens of each individual, but in literature you are also viewing through the writer's lens.

Page 281:

a) What are the four main types of point of view?
Third-person objective point of view, third-person limited point of view, third-person omniscient point of view and first-person point of view.

b) Explain in your own words the difference between the third-person limited and the third-person omniscient point of view.

In the limited point of view, you only get to know one of the characters. You get to know his feelings and thoughts.
In the omniscient point of view, you get to know many characters, and their thoughts and feelings. Not just one character, like the limited point of view.

c) What is meant by a "reliable" narrator?

A reliable narrator is often the third-person point of view, specially the omniscient point of view. Then you have access to a lot of information, thoughts and feelings. A reliable narrator is someone you can rely on, or someone who leaves you to do the judging and understanding.

Page 296:

a) What is required for a character to be experienced as "round"?
A round character, is a character who is more close to a real life human being. They are full of paradoxes and surprises, and you don't always know what to expect from them.

b) What is required for a character to be experinced as round?

Round characters have more depth, and you do not always know what to expect from them. They are more complicated, and often full of surprises.

c) Why is "flat" character also usually also static?

Flat characters are often static, because they rarely change. They don't have the ability to develop.

d) Why can only dynamic character experience and epiphany?

Because when you experience an epiphany, you realise that life has to change. But a flat, dynamic character can not change or develop.

Page 288 (by Christina)
a) Where is Jerome at the beginning of the story, and how old was he?
At the beginning of the story Jerome was at school and he was nine years old.

b) Describe the school he attends.
The school he goes to is a prep school also known as a posh school, a expensive school were only 

those who can afford it goes to.

c) Why does he not live at home?
he does not live at home because he’s father travels a lot, far away. he’s only doing it because of he’s job.

d) What kind of picture does Jerome have of his father?
Jerome has postcards of his father sent to him from around the world with pictures on them.

e) What difficulties does the housemaster have when telling Jerome what has happened to his father?
The housemaster thinks its difficult because he thinks its funny that a pig fell on him, and thats the reason Jerome's father is dead. He has problem keeping a straight face when telling the story.

f) What is told in the story about the father? for example, his professions. Jerome’s attitude to him, etc.?
In the story he says that he traveled a lot, and his son did not now what his father did, he thought that he was a mysterious adventure who travels to far places. then later on he thought he’s father either "ran guns" or was a member of the British Secret Service. Jerome worshiped his father.

g) What happens when Jerome tells his best friend in public school about the accident?
He probably started laughing (it dosent say in the text) and then Jerome realize what how the stories affects others.

h) Why does Jerome not want to talk to his fiancé about his father’s death?
Beacuse hes afraid she’s going to laugh, and the love for his father had grown stronger.

1 kommentar:

  1. Well done! People having trouble analyzing literature can just have a look at your blog!
