onsdag 14. januar 2015

Immigration in the UK and Australia

The United Kingdom has a much more stable econmy than most countries in Europe, and around the world. Therefore, a lot of immigrants wants to come to the UK. This can lead to a lot of benefits, but also some conflicts. Some immigrants, who arrive in the UK, will probably meet a lot of problems as well. It's not just easy to come to a new country. But I think that the UK has a lot of experience with this, and I think most immigrants get accepted in the British society. The biggest cities are definitely multicultural, and you can see traces of immigration everywhere. 

Prime Minister David Cameron, says that immigration has brought a lot of benefits to Britain. However, the streams of immigrants has to be controlled. Cameron wants to have good immigration and not mass immigration. If they don't controll the immigration, the benefits of immigration will either be lost or forgotten, the prime minister says. So he wants immigrants to come to Britain, but it has to be controlled, and it has to lead to benefits. 

Prime Minister in Australia, Tony Abbott, is a leader who has strong opinions about immigration. He wants to make it more difficult for immigrants to come into the country. In the last couple of years, a lot of people has been smuggled into Australia. Abbott wants to stop this, and says that the boarders are out of controll, and should be fixed. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ8I_IdJGNI (13.01.15)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0uEsb-fL8M (14.01.15)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvOAPHpQZ4U (14.01.15)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV97uJ29SiE  (14.01.15)

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