fredag 23. januar 2015

Spot check

Page 266:

a) What are the three main genres of literature?

The three genres are fiction, drama and poetry.

b) Are fictional stories always unture?

The word "fictional" is often used as made-up. But the stories can sometimes be partly true, but it wills till belong to the fiction genre.

c) What are the differences in the way fiction and drama relate to stories?

The difference is that in fiction, you tell the story. In drama, you show the story. Even though drama is usually written texts. But it only becomes drama when it's performed.

d) What is meant by "prose"?

Fiction has generally meant prose writing, which means writing that follows the patterns of ordinary speech, without regular rythm or rhyme.

e) What is meant by "free verse"?

"Free verse" is poetry lacking regular metre or rhyme.

f) How does literature differ from a user manual?

A manual is supposed to be as clear as possible. The priority is not to be funny, entertaining or personal. You can not use the same type of writing.

g) How is interpreting literature different from interpreting real life?

In real life, interpretation happens through the lens of each individual, but in literature you are also viewing through the writer's lens.

Page 281:

a) What are the four main types of point of view?
Third-person objective point of view, third-person limited point of view, third-person omniscient point of view and first-person point of view.

b) Explain in your own words the difference between the third-person limited and the third-person omniscient point of view.

In the limited point of view, you only get to know one of the characters. You get to know his feelings and thoughts.
In the omniscient point of view, you get to know many characters, and their thoughts and feelings. Not just one character, like the limited point of view.

c) What is meant by a "reliable" narrator?

A reliable narrator is often the third-person point of view, specially the omniscient point of view. Then you have access to a lot of information, thoughts and feelings. A reliable narrator is someone you can rely on, or someone who leaves you to do the judging and understanding.

Page 296:

a) What is required for a character to be experienced as "round"?
A round character, is a character who is more close to a real life human being. They are full of paradoxes and surprises, and you don't always know what to expect from them.

b) What is required for a character to be experinced as round?

Round characters have more depth, and you do not always know what to expect from them. They are more complicated, and often full of surprises.

c) Why is "flat" character also usually also static?

Flat characters are often static, because they rarely change. They don't have the ability to develop.

d) Why can only dynamic character experience and epiphany?

Because when you experience an epiphany, you realise that life has to change. But a flat, dynamic character can not change or develop.

Page 288 (by Christina)
a) Where is Jerome at the beginning of the story, and how old was he?
At the beginning of the story Jerome was at school and he was nine years old.

b) Describe the school he attends.
The school he goes to is a prep school also known as a posh school, a expensive school were only 

those who can afford it goes to.

c) Why does he not live at home?
he does not live at home because he’s father travels a lot, far away. he’s only doing it because of he’s job.

d) What kind of picture does Jerome have of his father?
Jerome has postcards of his father sent to him from around the world with pictures on them.

e) What difficulties does the housemaster have when telling Jerome what has happened to his father?
The housemaster thinks its difficult because he thinks its funny that a pig fell on him, and thats the reason Jerome's father is dead. He has problem keeping a straight face when telling the story.

f) What is told in the story about the father? for example, his professions. Jerome’s attitude to him, etc.?
In the story he says that he traveled a lot, and his son did not now what his father did, he thought that he was a mysterious adventure who travels to far places. then later on he thought he’s father either "ran guns" or was a member of the British Secret Service. Jerome worshiped his father.

g) What happens when Jerome tells his best friend in public school about the accident?
He probably started laughing (it dosent say in the text) and then Jerome realize what how the stories affects others.

h) Why does Jerome not want to talk to his fiancé about his father’s death?
Beacuse hes afraid she’s going to laugh, and the love for his father had grown stronger.

onsdag 14. januar 2015

Global refugee problem

Every year, millions of people have to escape from their home country. The number of refugees is the highest since the mid-1990's. About 43 million people are either leaving their country by choice, or forced to leave their country because of natural disasters, political tensions and etc. The numbers are very high, and this can lead to a lot of problems. Taking care of so many people is challenging, and it is definitely challenging to be a refugeee yourself.

Leaving your home country can not be easy. Most people have a strong relationship to their country, but sometimes you have no other choice. Every year terrible things happen in this world. And very often, the innocent people are affected. In a country affected by conflicts, or even worse war, a lot of people try to escape, and they seek for a better life somewhere else. The first step is very often a refugee camp.

Most refugees live in a refugee camp. They are built and run by a government, the United Nations, or an international organization or NGO. The life at camp is usually busy. There are a lot of things that need to be done, and most people have a sort of job or responsibility. Like cooking, taking care of children, teaching, selling necessary items and food and etc. Some of the biggest camps can in someways remind you of a city. They have markets, offices, cafés and etc. Of course it's not exactly how it is in a real city, but they have certainly made the best out of it. 

The organizations og governments who run refugee camps has to deal with a lot of challenges. They need money, safety and protection, qualified people and useful equiptment to run a camp. And probably a lot more.  They are depending on support, and if they don't get that, things will become very difficult. They have a lot of people to take care of, and many of them are depending 100% on the camp leaders. So it is a lot of responsebuility resting on their shoulders. 

When, or if, the campers get the chance to leave the camp, more challenges are waiting. If they get to go to another country, the refugees might experience a totally different culture, and it will be hard to adjust. If you as a immigrant arrive in USA, Australia or the UK (or anywhere else), it is very important to do everything you can to become a "good" citizen. Give back to the society, since they gave you a chance here. If everybody does that, the global refugee problems will decrease, and there will be a lot of benefits with immigration. 

Sources: (14.01.15)  (14.01.15) (14.01.15)

Immigration in the UK and Australia

The United Kingdom has a much more stable econmy than most countries in Europe, and around the world. Therefore, a lot of immigrants wants to come to the UK. This can lead to a lot of benefits, but also some conflicts. Some immigrants, who arrive in the UK, will probably meet a lot of problems as well. It's not just easy to come to a new country. But I think that the UK has a lot of experience with this, and I think most immigrants get accepted in the British society. The biggest cities are definitely multicultural, and you can see traces of immigration everywhere. 

Prime Minister David Cameron, says that immigration has brought a lot of benefits to Britain. However, the streams of immigrants has to be controlled. Cameron wants to have good immigration and not mass immigration. If they don't controll the immigration, the benefits of immigration will either be lost or forgotten, the prime minister says. So he wants immigrants to come to Britain, but it has to be controlled, and it has to lead to benefits. 

Prime Minister in Australia, Tony Abbott, is a leader who has strong opinions about immigration. He wants to make it more difficult for immigrants to come into the country. In the last couple of years, a lot of people has been smuggled into Australia. Abbott wants to stop this, and says that the boarders are out of controll, and should be fixed. 

Sources: (13.01.15) (14.01.15) (14.01.15)  (14.01.15)

mandag 12. januar 2015

Varieties of English

Task: Give examples of other varieties of English than those that are used in the Anglo-American core area, and reflect on their distinctive character. 

I am going to write about 3 different countries, and talk about the different types of English they speakAnd I have chosen three countries from three different parts of the world: and they are France, India and South Africa. When it comes to France and India, I will focuse a lot on the EF English Index rapport. And this report ranks 63 different countries, and shows how good countries are when it comes to English. I will also write a little bit about the accents, and how they stand out from standard English. Starting with France…

According to the EF English Proficiency Index report, France is number 29 out of 63 countries when it comes to English skills. It has a moderate proficiency, and the country is actually nearly last when it comes to European countries. Europe is the continent that has best results, and the 11 best countries are from Europe, but France is further down. However, they do not really do much to improve this position. Improving their English skills, is not really a subject of a national debate.

But there are a lot of French employers seeking French people who can speak English. But the French education system is failing. Parents think that only kids who can afford to trips abroad, and etc., need English. The ones, who have a lot of money, and goes to private schools, have high degrees of English proficiency compare to others. 

So, a little bit about the accent; cause when French people speak English; it is usually easy to understand that they come from France. Most French people have a clear French accent.  And you can specially notice that when they pronounce the R-s and the H-s differently, compared to the standard English. They dont have the typical, American R, and they dont pronounce the H’s.

Moving on to next country, and that is India...

India is a part of what we call the BRIC countries. Brazil, Russia, India and China. They are among the world’s ten largest economies, and together they account for nearly half of the world’s population. Due to large public and private spending on training, English language skills are improving steadily across the BRICs. All four countries have big development when it comes to economy, particularly India.  India has a moderetate proficiency, and they do better than the other BRIC countries. And India is number 25 in the report.

In India, they have to official languages. And they are Hindi and English. English is included, and mostly because of its colonial history. And today, about 10% of the population use English. It is used a lot in Universities and education on higher levels. There are a lot of Indians use English as a daily language, but most people speak another language as well. And there are not many people who has English as their mother language. 

The combination between Hindi and English is called Hinglish. It’s a basically English with an Indian accent. Some words here and there are from the Hindi language. For an example: changa (which means fine) machi chips (which means fish and chips) and yaar (which means friend)

 Most Indians speak with a broad accent, but they speak good english. However, sometimes it can be hard to understand them, specially if they have a lot of slang words include

Last country is South Africa. South Africa is  one of the most developed and globalized countries in Africa. There are elven official languages in South Africa. English and Afrikaans is the most used ones. Around 14 % use Afrikaans as their home language, and about 10% use English, even though most people know how to speak English. And there are over 50 million people living in South Africa. 

They call the English South African English, and some people say it sounds a bit like Australian. But there is difference between the white people and the black people, because the white people often have an accent that sounds more like the standard English, while most black people speak a more Afrikaans-English.  Anyway, the language is not hard to understand at all. Of course, it has some slang words, mainly from the Afrikaans language. 

One of the things they pronounce differently is the capital A. They often make an E-sound when they are pronouncing A. For an example, when we say South Africa, they say South Efrica

Sources: (19.11.14) (19.11.14) (19.11.14) (19.11.14)

onsdag 7. januar 2015


On our English subject day, the 5th of November, we held a presentation about a large local business, with special focus on international contacts and the use of English. Together with Christina, I talked about Esso. Here is some of the information we found..Esso: Everybody knows esso the gas stations, but esso does more than just selling gasoline, washing cars and selling hamburgers. Esso is a company, and the daughter of a huge international company called exxonmobile. Exxonmobile is based in the US, but has offices all over the world.The owner of Exxonmobile Norway and esso norway is called Morten Mauritzen. The international leaders are called: Andrew P. Swiger, Darren W. Woods, Jack P. Williams, Mark W. Albers, Michael J. Dolan and Rex W. Tillerson (CEO). They are all American, and they belong in the headquarter, and the headquarter is located in Houston, Texas USA. The headquarter in Norway is in Stavanger, because Stavanger is closest to the oil platforms in North Sea. A little funfact: the Scandinavian airline company, SAS, has now a route between Stavanger and Houston, because there are so many oilworkers who travel to Houston quite often. The number of employees in exxonmobile is about 80 000 worldwide, but this it without the Esso employees. The official Esso website had no exact number of employees. It is probably  because it is a hard number to control. Esso and Exxonmobile make mainly gasoline, oil and diesel. They have gas stations all over the world, and the company is a big international company. They do business with countries all over the world, and they have offices in countries like Mexico, Brazil, France, Iraq and etc. Check out the whole list of all the locations here.

Sources: (05.11.14) (05.11.14) (05.11.14) (05.11.14) (05.11.14)

mandag 5. januar 2015

Task 2 page 47

b) Discuss which of the interviewees you think made the best point. Who was the most interesting to listen to?

I thought that Diane, who owned a hair salon, was the most interesting to listen to, because she made the best point. She found a whole new use of Facebook, by posting information about events, and doing advertising (and etc.) on her Facebook-page. She explained that this was very useful for her and her business.

Sources: (03.09.14)