onsdag 25. mars 2015

Tasks chapter 5: A World of Opportunities

PAGE 221-222

2 Discussion

b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of foreign workers in a country

Advantages: they bring new customs and culinary specialities, they can supplement a country's labour force at a time when a large proportion of the population is reaching pension age, workers can move to regions where they may realise their abilities opimally, and employers can recruit labour internationally, which can raise the skill level of the workforce.

Disadvantages: culture-shock, work in conditions that native workers would not accept and by law cannot accept, "black economy", can put pressure on welfare systems.

c) Globalization will continue. Discuss what vision you see of the future when it comes to global education and work possibilities

I think that more people will study abroad, and there will be more work possibilities in other countries. The globalization brings the world closer.

5 Taking action
Contact a local company and ask them if they need to use English in their line of businsess. If so, for what purposes? Report back what you learn. 

We have previously talked about a local company, and you can read about it more here. They do not use too much English in the local businesses, but they do on international level.

PAGE 234

3 Discussion

b) The global economy has changed relationships inside the Metha family. Explain why the father is confused and suspicious, the daughter angry and the mother worried. 

The father: he is confused over the technology and the modern telecoms. And he is suspicious about why his daughter has to change name when working.

The daughter: angry because she does not feel like her parents are happy for her, and she thinks the job is a great opportunity.

The mother: not happy about her daughter not using her real name, and worried about that she is turning into one of the "cosmopolitan girls".

c) "The internet has destroyed distance". Discuss this statement and what it will mean for working life in the future. 

Because of the globalization the world is getting closer. Suddenly, India is not too far away, because we have internet for example. In the future I think that traveling will not be as necessary, because of the advanced technology. Video-chats are already in use, but I think the technology will become even better, and it will be easier to do it like this.

d) Priti has got a job that has been outsourced from Australia to India. Who wins and who loses from outsourcing?

The ones who win is the workers in India, because they get a job. The company wins as well, because it is probably cheaper for them to have employees in India compared to Australia. The ones who lose, can be people from Australia who would want a job like this. Maybe people who does not have a very long education.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Well answered! Some concord problems here and there - look at the last paragraph...

  2. Well answered! Some concord problems here and there - look at the last paragraph...
