fredag 14. november 2014

3. Discuss page 159

b) John wants to change the world through the force of example, while Jenny wants to change it through protest. Which of these methods do you think is the most effective, and why?

I think both of them can be effective. Being an example for someone else can have a big affect. If someone looks up to you. I think it is very important to be a good example for children. Especially parents should take this task seriously. Children do what their parents do, and follow their leading. But it might be challenging to effect many people at once. If you are going to do that, I think it will be easier to change through protest. It just seems so more effective. You will get more attention, and people will notice you better. But then again, you might get the wrong type of attention. Negative attention. So it can go both ways, but I do think protest is the most effective method.

Page 159 in Access (14.11.14)

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