fredag 14. november 2014

Task 8 Page 169

c) Find the article "Where Did All the Money Go?" on our website. Write a summary of the main points of the article.

The article was about the world economy, and how production, trade and investment has decreased the last couple of years. This has also lead to increased unemployment, which can be a big problem to the government, because this lead to less taxes. Poverthy has become a bigger problem than before, when the economy was "booming". So what happened?

A lot of people blame previous Prime Minister in the U.K., Margaret Thatcher, and previous in the U.S., Ronald Reagan. They believed in the free market, and removed a lot of expensive government programs and etc. They removed expensive programs and regulations standing in the way for private initiative. This lead to that some people became very rich. Less successful people struggled, because they no longer got the same amount of support from the government.

In the beginning of the 21st century, a whole new set of financial institutions has entered the arena. They do not make money by loaning out money. They make their profit by buying and selling stocks and etc. They use leveraging, which usually involves buying more of an asset by using borrowed funds.

Banks across the United States invested money in financial investment houses and the money market. This showed amazing profits. One reason was a new kind of known as "derivative". It is a kind of investment object that has been "bundled" with others of its kind to reduce the risk of losing money if one of them should fail.

By 2007 the price of houses in the United States began falling. The investors' profits turned to losses. A lot of financial houses were forced to loan money, to cover their losses, but no one woul lend them money. The crisis in the United States swept through the global free market, and governments pumped tax money into the global free market system.

So the real question is: how can a free market consumer economy remain stable and productive if it can't provide enough income for it's consumers to buy all the goods it produces?

Sources: (14.11.14) (07.01.15)
Page 169 in Access

3. Discuss page 159

b) John wants to change the world through the force of example, while Jenny wants to change it through protest. Which of these methods do you think is the most effective, and why?

I think both of them can be effective. Being an example for someone else can have a big affect. If someone looks up to you. I think it is very important to be a good example for children. Especially parents should take this task seriously. Children do what their parents do, and follow their leading. But it might be challenging to effect many people at once. If you are going to do that, I think it will be easier to change through protest. It just seems so more effective. You will get more attention, and people will notice you better. But then again, you might get the wrong type of attention. Negative attention. So it can go both ways, but I do think protest is the most effective method.

Page 159 in Access (14.11.14)

4. Quick research page 157

a) Has the global economic recession ended? What do the expert say?

The global financial crisis has not yet ended, and the global economic is not improving too much. Although, it is very different. Some countries have a better economy now, while other countries deal with big loans and high unemployment rates. 

b)  Answear these questions (by using this source):

1. In which region do most unemployed people live?
They live developed economies and European Union.

2. Where is the youth unemployment highest?
It's highest in North-Africa.

3. Where do most of the working poor live?
They live in South Asia. 

Page 157 in Access (14.11.14) (14.11.14)

Can terrorism ever be justified?

Terrorism is the unlawful use or threat of violence, usually against a state or against public, political groups or organizations. Terrorist actions are usually very violent, and a lot of people get killed. Unfortunately, many times, terrorists attack innocent victims.

It should be difficult to defend killing innocent civilians. No matter how the circumstances are. A lot of terrorists-organizations do not think about whom they kill. They want headlines and attention, and their goal is to kill as many people as they can. It seems like the number of deaths is just a number to them, and nothing more. However, they might have a purpose though. Some might even say that the terrorists are justified in their actions. Imagine terrorists bombing the White House for example. They mean that the US is killing thousands of innocent people. And the only way to justify it is to do the same back. Take a life for a life.

But I really don’t think killing is the right way to do it. Nevertheless, I kind of understand what they mean, but I do not support it. The terrorists are seeking revenge for their losses. But I do think that they have other options than bombing. How about a good, old-fashioned talk? It might be naïve to believe that talking is the solution, because it probably isn’t. But still, I cannot imagine that killing is any better. It should be possible to solve conflicts by using other methods than attacking innocents.

People do funny things when they are desperate. And it can be hard to imagine how they can possibly do such cruel and horrible things as terrorist attacks, when you haven’t experienced desperation yourself. I come from a wealthy, small country, where most of us have everything we need. Our country is a pretty safe place, and there are not too many unfair things happening. Therefore, I find it really hard to sympathize and understand terrorists. There are some sides I get, but then again, I just cannot believe that terrorism is the solution.

This world we live in will always be unfair. Conflicts will remain unsolved. There will come new wars, and new attacks. People will live in desperation, and experience things a person should not experience. However, terrorism is not the answer to anything. It will only make it worse. So no, terrorism will not be justified.  

Sources: (14.11.14)

onsdag 12. november 2014

Task page 178

2. Taking action
Look back on the list on page 175 ("Seven Ways to be Heard). Which of these methods does Malin use in her role as Amnesty activist?

Audio: A Case of Injustice

Malin used method number 7: Influence the authorities.
She was one of many Amnesty activists who sent letters to Ethiopian authorities, because they wanted to release an Ethiopean woman. She was a judge, who became unpopular with the government. She was thrown into prison for expressing her opinion.

Amnesty International work locally and globally, and contribute in different ways. They use the social media (method number 2), they make petitions (method number 5) and they also influence the authorities (method number 7).

Sources: (12.11.14)
Page 157 in Access (12.11.14)

mandag 10. november 2014

What we did last Wednesday...

We started the English subject day with studying local businesses. We were seperated into groups, and we were given a local business each. Our task was to make a presentation about this business.  We found information on the Internet and made a presentation. Every group presented their findings, and we got feedbacks from our teacher.

After the presentation, we saw a film called Wolf of Wall Street. It lasted for 3 hours, so we did not have much time after that. But we ended the day with a little discussion about the film.

Sources: (10.11.14)