onsdag 10. september 2014

Task 2, page 44


How would you summarize this article if a friend asked you what it was about?

The text Media in Motion is about how media and Internet has develeloped the last years. There is no doubt that the biggest development has been the rise of the Internet. In 2010 over 2 billion people were online, that is 30% of the population of the world. However, even though it has been revolutionary there are still some things that have remained the same. English is still the main language, even though majority does not live in English-speaking countries. 

Looking at the Internet users in the world, over 44% are from Asia. Therefore there are many Chinese useres out there, and the number of Chinese is the same as the number who speak English. But English is the lingua franca, and will probably continue being the most used language online. 

http://access-internationalvg2.cappelendamm.no/c952793/sammendrag/vis.html?tid=952796 (10.09.14)

1 kommentar:

  1. Great, just be sure to run the spell and grammar check before publishing.
